Dr. Sewanti Limaye

Dr. Sewanti Limaye

Director – Medical Oncology
Director – Precision Oncology 
Director – Clinical and Translational Oncology Research
Department: Medical Oncology
Sub-Speciality: All Solid Tumors, Precision Oncology

MBBS, MD (New York University, USA), MS (Columbia University, NY, USA)


Fellowship Haematology and Medical Oncology from North-Shore Long Island Jewish Health System, Albert Einstein University, New York, USA


20+ years of experience in Medical & Precision Oncology

Dr. Sewanti Limaye is the Director of Medical & Precision Oncology and Director Oncology and Director Clinical and Translational Oncology Research at Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital

Dr. Limaye, established Precision Oncology clinic – led for the first time by a medical oncologist in the country. She also took Oncology Clinical and Translational research to newer heights.

Dr. Limaye has earlier worked at Columbia University Medical Center-New York Presbyterian Hospital, where she worked in Medical Oncology and was Assistant Professor of Medicine and specialized in Thoracic, Head & Neck, GI Oncology and Early Drug Development. Prior to joining Columbia University Dr. Limaye worked as an Attending in Medical Oncology at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute/Brigham and Women’s Hospital and at the Phase I – Early Drug Development Center – Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA.

She specializes in the treatment of all solid tumors including Breast, Lung, Head and Neck, GI, GU and Gyn Cancers. Dr. Limaye received her medical degree with honors from Jawahar Lal Nehru Medical College, Bhagalpur and did her residency in Internal Medicine from New York University and did her fellowship in Hematology and Medical Oncology from Albert Einstein University, New York. She also did a Masters in Patient Oriented Research (Cancer Genomics and Biostatistics) from Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University. Dr. Limaye has been involved in research with leaders at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Columbia University Medical Center and National Cancer Institute, USA. She served on Tata Memorial Hospital Ethics board. She has also co- founded Iylon Precision Oncology with Dr. Sendurai Mani from MDACC, an international precision effort with global leaders and IMPACT India International MTB initiative at the national level.

She has led several national and international trials and has been a part of Data Safety Monitoring Boards. Dr. Limaye was awarded with the John-Flynn Young Investigator Award for Excellence in Clinical Research, the Rose and Jack Horowitz Award for excellence in patient care and Medical Oncology Research Excellence Award-ASCO 2008 for excellence in clinical research. She was nominated to serve as the National Chair of the Sub-protocol Arm B of the landmark NCI-MATCH Trial.

Dr. Limaye is leading the Precision Cancer Center and Initiative at Sir H. N. Reliance Foundation Hospital and Dr. Limaye envisions to bring excellence in Cancer Care, Precision Oncology and Cancer Research.

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